Disc jockeys, sometimes called "deejays," put music on the radio. They also talk about the news, sports, and weather. Sometimes they do commercials, talk with guests, and relate what's going on in the community.
They often work at radio stations. They work in small rooms called studios. These rooms have good light, air-conditioning, and are soundproof. But it can be lonely. Full-time Disc jockeys talk on the radio 5 or 6 days a week for about 4 hours at a time. However, their job takes more time than just that. Every day they must prepare for the radio show. Sometimes they write the commercials, too. Because of this, Disc jockeys don't usually work regular hours. Sometimes they may have to work 24 hours. They often must start early or work late into the night. They also must get to work, even if the weather is very bad. Disc jockeys may also work outside the station. They can work at schools or community events. Some do extra work at weddings and parties.
It is very difficult to get a job as a disc jockey. Classes in broadcast journalism at a college or technical school may help. Courses in English, public speaking, and drama are also good. Students can gain experience at school stations. Hobbies such as sports and music may help. However, most employers want to know how someone sounds on a taped audition. They pay a lot of attention to a person's way of talking. They want someone with a pleasant voice and good timing. They want a disc jockey that will do commercials, news, and interviews with a nice style. They must work under tight deadlines and may have to be computer literate. Earnings are higher in larger cities than in small ones. The middle half of all announcers earned between $7.13 and $15.10 an hour in 2002. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $6.14. The highest-paid 10 percent made more than $24.92 an hour. Some Disc jockeys earn much more. Small radio stations are more inclined to hire beginners, but the pay is low. People who get work experience by completing an internship while in school have the best chance of getting a job.
The number of announcers is expected to decline through the year 2012. This is due partly to the lack of growth in the number of radio and television stations. Now, more than ever, several stations may be operated from one central office. This reduces the need for staff. Some stations operate overnight without any staff. They play programming that was recorded earlier or that comes from a satellite feed. Also, new technology is increasing the productivity of announcers, reducing the number of announcers that are needed.