Proceeding for Higher Education Abroad? Appear for the professional exams - IELTS/TOEFL. Get information on various new streams emerging. Update yourself on subjects & issues relating to courses offered, Eligibility requirements. Visa issues. How to prepare yourself before moving to greener pastures for Jobs / Permanent Settlement.
NEW REWARDING CAREERSHeartening news for students completing their 10 + 2 or Bachelors Degrees. Thinking of the career to pursue, confused about choices, or blindly going along with other friends choices? GO WITH YOUR HEART. Its you who is going to be in the profession ultimately. Do what you have always longed to pursue. Where the heart is, greater the effort and the satisfying experience. Making a choice is difficult as it is, leave alone making a wrong one. Some of the latest rewarding and satisfying programs:-Airline, Travel, Tourism & Hotel Industry, interesting new experiences today. Interior Designing, Fashion Designing, Aeronautical & Biomedical Engineering, Journalism, Nursing, Oceanography, Pharmacology and several others. Check out latest Career guides on the stands, speak to Educational Counsellors and Consultants. Do your homework and you will soon be on the way to success.
TOUGH MIGRANT LAWS TO COME INTO FORCE IN THE UKConcerns over Illegal Immigrants in the United Kingdom, have set the Government thinking of straightening out the previous outdated laws, of the early1970s. A clear and simple legal system is being worked out. The British Governement have proposed an Australian-style "points system" to decide who should enter the country and tough deportation rules will be introduced by the Home Office. It is true the Government have been under severe pressure to maintain safety of their citizens, who face a sense of insecurity, in the light of the recent terrorist activities that have taken place in the United Kingdom.
VISA FRAUD MENACEFake Passports & Visa frauds are being highlighted as very serious criminal acts. Most of them relate to categories including religious workers, temporary skilled workers, students, and general tourist/ business travellers. Repercussions against errant travellers who are caughtindulging in such acts will be dealt with severely under criminal activities. Points to be noted.1) Submitting or producing false papsers is a criminal act.2) People who make payment to brokers and agents and submit falsepapers do so at a great risk.57 cases have been reported to the Indian Law Enforcement agencies. Vigilance has beenstepped up after Lok Sabha MP Babubhai Katara was caught trying to travel toCanada with another woman on his wife's passport.It is strongly advised that intended Travellers be it students for higher studies,immigrants, business people and travellers be extremely honest in their applicationsand cautious about using unscrupulous Agents.Passing this message on to your friends could be useful to them.
USA ACCEPTS IELTS SCORESNow there is heartening news for those anxious to work or study in the United States of America. It’s a big nod to IELTS from the USA. Today more than 1500 Universities and Professional bodies accept the IELTS scores. Among the top being Universities such as Duke, Wharton, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, Boston, North Western University, University of Columbia, Kellogg School of Management and several others. To find a complete list of the Universities accepting IELTS login in to or IN THE UNITED KINGDOMToday's shocking news that the British Immigration Minister Liam Byrne has ruled out any change to re-orient the controversially amended Highly Skilled Migrant Program (HSMP). This has left almost 30000 Indian Doctors devastated by this hard approach. They will now be compelled to leave the country as they need to apply for renewal of the their Visas after a year.It is true many doors are still open such as Australia, & Ireland. One still has to be cautious before taking any steps or making hasty decisions. A detailed research into the rules and regulations formulated by such countries should be ascertained. In fact many Doctors & Nurses go through the laborious task of sitting for various qualifying exams and spend a sizable amount of their earnings, before moving to other countries, from their home country. These people still face serious problems in getting placement abroad. The same goes for other countries, that are at the moment facing a severe crisis with regard to the shortage of Doctors & Nurses.
STUDY & WORK PART TIMEThe peak of the season, students receiving their results from various boards. What next, Where next, Why study History, check out the all new career streams - Creative writing, Graphic Design, Print Making, Sculpture, Alternative medicine, Oceanography, Astronomy, Journalism,Nanotechnology and a heap more. If you are planning to go abroad - Get cracking now time is short and tons to be done. Do not forget that all important impressive Essay. Your certificates & other documents in order?Waste no time, seats are filling up world wide.Do your pre-requisite English exams - IELTS / TOEFL get good scores.Latest news for IELTS - New Half Band ScoresFrom 1 July 2007, a small but important change which will make IELTS Band Scores more informative. Scores for each part of the test will still be reported on the scale from 1 to 9, but now the Writing and Speaking modules will be reported in whole or half-band in the same way as the Reading and Listening modules.This will allow Recognising Institutions to specify their requirements in more detail.